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Unpacking the role of Federations in Strengthening Women's Collective Enterprises: Webinar Proceedings

Bridging Working Capital for Women's Collective Enterprises: Webinar Proceedings

New Cooperative Policy 2023 - Recommendations

Submitted to New Cooperative Policy Committee, November 2023

Recommendations by SEWA Cooperative Federation on inclusion of youth
in cooperatives

Submitted for Y20 2023 engagement group policy recommendations to ICA-AP

National Cooperative Policy 2023

Policy Recommendations to the Committee on Drafting New National Cooperation Policy
by SEWA Cooperative Federation

Recommendation for Inclusion of ‘Cooperative’ in the definition of ‘Startup’

To Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT)

Recommendations for National Database of Cooperatives

To the Ministry of Cooperation, India

The Delhi Declaration for Women Cooperators 2022

Rebuilding an Inclusive World in the Wake of the Pandemic: Women's Cooperatives Lead the Way- A Policy Note

Promoting Women-Owned Cooperatives in India: Recommendations to the Ministry of Cooperation

COVID Phase II: Call for Support

Enabling digital inclusion for women-owned collectives: A SEWA Note on Recommendations for the GeM Portal

Enabling digital inclusion for women-owned collectives: A SEWA Note on MSME Udyam Registration

Atmanirbhar Bharat - Lessons from Women-Owned Cooperatives: An Issue Brief

COVID-19 Impact on Informal Women Workers and their Cooperatives: Recommendations from SEWA Cooperative Federation

Strengthening Collectives of Women’s Farmer Interest Groups in Madhya Pradesh & Maharashtra: A Summary Report

Our team conducted an in-depth analysis for the Institute of Regional Analysis, diving deep into the needs and aspirations of tribal women farmers in Betul (Madhya Pradesh) and Amravati (Maharashtra). The Institute of Regional Analysis (IRA) has an outreach of 14000 women farmers. The report deals with women collectives working towards organic farming techniques and popularizing organic farming in the State of Madhya Pradesh.

Re-imagining the Platform Firm: Lessons and Design Blueprints from SEWA’s Data Cooperative Experiment

“Building Data Cooperatives for Informal Women Farmers in the Global South” explores how agricultural digitalization deepens inequalities for women informal workers. Developed by IT For Change, in collaboration with SEWA Cooperative Federation, this report investigates how a worker-led data cooperative can resist Big Tech’s control, protect land and data sovereignty, and offer an alternative to extractive data capitalism. How can trust-based co-design and grassroots participation shape a fairer digital future for women in agriculture?

Study to Assess the Working Capital Needs of Women's Collective Enterprises

This report by Microsave and SEWA Cooperative Federation highlights the role of bridge institution in reducing the financial gaps that women collectives face in accessing working capital for their business development. It delves deeper into the demand and supply side challenges faced by women collective entrepreneurs and offers possible interventions by bridge institutions.

Strengthening women’s cooperatives: The experience of SEWA Cooperative Federation

This report by International Labour Organizations (ILO), aims to explore the challenges and opportunities for cooperatives and other social and solidarity economy entities in empowering women workers in the informal economy, with a specific focus on the experience of the SEWA Cooperative Federation.

Rural communication services for family farming in Asia and the Pacific

The United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF 2019–2028) Global Action Plan calls for rural communication services (RCS) to be part of family farming policies and programmes and to be delivered in a sustained and inclusive manner. Based on studies of SCF’s digital inclusion efforts with Megha Farmers’ Co-op and SEWA Lilotri, this report by FAO identifies communication as a key factor and an asset in the rural transformations currently affecting family farming and food systems.

Creating Sustainable Data Cooperatives in the Global South: Frameworks for Institutional Support

‘Creating Sustainable Data Cooperatives in the Global South: Frameworks for Institutional Support,’ developed by ITFC in collaboration with SEWA Cooperative Federation, presents a techno-institutional model for data cooperatives, emphasizing grassroots digitalization. We explore the challenges and potential of data cooperatives, advocating for meaningful co-design and data governance to safeguard farmers and frontline workers.

Achieving gender equality and women’s rights through public services and social protection

Our research team contributed to a GADN briefing, which asserts that quality care is a public good, necessitating government responsibility. Despite growing recognition by global economic shocks, the rise of private financing, led by influential Global North institutions, poses a challenge. It contends that publicly funded and managed services are pivotal for gender equality and women’s rights, supported by research from Global South organisations. Emphasising their cost-effectiveness and equity, the briefing concludes with recommendations to expand fiscal space for quality gender-transformative services in the Global South

Strengthening Solidarity: Enabling Women's Cooperatives & Collective Enterprises to Thrive

This report presents the issues that were discussed at the National Workshop for Women Cooperators, December 2022, and is divided into four themes of the workshop: ease of doing business, access to financial services, governance and capacity-building, and digital inclusion. Each of the four themes had a panel discussion followed by breakout group discussions.

Procurement Through Digital Platforms - including informal women workers and their collectives

In this report, we map the experiences of women’s collective enterprises (owned by informal women workers), particularly their capacities to use digital procurement platforms and the concurrent challenges that they face.


This report assesses the impact of COVID-19 on children enrolled with Sangini BalSEWA Centres. This study was conducted in collaboration with the Institute of Social Studies Trust (ISST).

Rebuilding an Inclusive World in the Wake of the Pandemic: Women's Cooperative's Lead the Way - A Webinar Report

This report summarizes the discussions held during a webinar organize by SEWA Cooperative Federation, WIEGO (Women in Informal Economy: Globalising and Organising) and the International Cooperative Alliance Asia-and-Pacific. This webinar highlighted the state of the informal economy and women workers, the pivotal role played by women’s cooperatives during the raging COVID-19 pandemic in India and around the world and the way forward.

Building Resilience and Strengthening our Solidarity

A study on the effect of COVID-19 second wave on women’s collective enterprises across five sectors- agriculture, handicrafts, services, manufacturing and finance.

Women's Cooperatives & COVID-19

This report elucidates the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on cooperatives of informal sector women and their membership in the western Indian state of Gujarat.

Tapi District: Farmer’s Mapping Study

This report is a resource mapping of Tapi District to understand how our indigenous women’s cooperative, Megha Mandli, can better optimise their activities in its surroundings.

National Women's Cooperative Workshop
(August 8-9, 2019, Ahmedabad)

This report consolidates insights from a national level workshop on strengthening women’s cooperatives. The workshop was jointly organised by SEWA Federation, SEWA Bharat, International Cooperative Alliance-Asia Pacific and the International Labour Organisation.

Advancing cooperation among women workers in the informal economy: The SEWA way

This report aims to provide an understanding of the challenges and opportunities for cooperatives and other SSE units in empowering women workers in the informal economy, with a specific focus on SEWA’s experience. It is based on individual interviews and focus group discussions with select cooperative leaders and members and also uses select studies presenting the forty-year experience of SEWA with cooperatives.

Empowering Grassroot Leaders for Change: A SEWA Cooperative Federation Training Initiative

Are you an organization working with grassroots women workers? Nominate women grassroots leaders for the SEWA Cooperative Federation Fellowship to empower them in governance, leadership, and business mindset development for their collectives.

Mirai Chatterjee delivers the Charles Correa Memorial Lecture (September, 1 2020)

The 2020 Charles Correa Memorial Lecture was delivered by the SEWA Cooperative Federation Chairperson – Mirai Chatterjee. In her lecture, she talked about the need and importance of people-centric design that responded to the challenges faced by informal women workers.

Cooperatives: Our Strength - 10 Years of SEWA Cooperative Federation

Planting Roots. Blossoming Livelihoods: One Vision. 20 Years. Seven Circles of Strength - 20 years of SEWA Cooperative Federation